Join us at The Edge
The Female Edge is a members-only network of female entrepreneurs.
What are the benefits of membership?
Membership is £20 per month and benefits include:
Joining The Female Edge’s online network of fellow entrepreneurs and business leaders
Access to online and real-life events and networking opportunities
Opportunity to come on business retreats
Monthly Female Edge Assemblies – a chance to meet up in real life and hear speakers on a range of business-related topics (currently Bath only)
Why do you ask people to apply for membership?
There are lots of great groups out there which are aimed at helping women in business to connect with each other. We want The Female Edge to be a space which is specifically useful for female entrepreneurs, and to avoid it becoming a huge, general networking platform which becomes less useful over time.
Why are you for women only?
Women face a range of barriers and challenges around business and entrepreneurship which are specific to their gender. We actively seek to encourage and grow female-owned and run businesses as a way to improve the situation of women in society more widely.
We welcome applications from…
Women who have set up, or want to set up, a business from scratch, which is broadly their own idea. We want The Female Edge to be a genuinely collaborative space, where we seek to encourage, inspire and help other female entrepreneurs.
We would discourage applications from…
Anyone who joins seeing The Female Edge just as an opportunity to meet and sell to other people - while members might end up doing business together, this isn’t our primary aim. We will also tend to refuse applications from people running network marketing businesses.